Our Coffee Producer

After many years of frustration in trying to source a good consistent quality of coffee beans from Indonesia, we are so excited when we cross paths with people from Wahana Estate, a local company who are as passionate for Indonesian coffee and the people related to it. We're more than ever now motivated to not only translate the coffee from farmers to your cup, but also to continue searching for other producers who share the same passion.

Wahana Estate is established in the year 2005 and located in Lae Mungkur village, Sidikalang sub-district, Dairi district, North Sumatra – Indonesia. Historically, Sidikalang is one of the most popular coffee producing regions in Indonesia. 

Wahana Estate has an altitude of 1,200 – 1,500 m above sea level with an annual rainfall of about 2,000 mm to 3,000mm. Additionally, it is blessed to have a cool temperature which ranges between 15 to 25C, with a record lowest temperature being 12C and highest recorded temperature being 30C. With more than 10C differences between day and night temperatures, their red coffee cherry from their estate boost a Brix of more than 13%.

Wahana Estate plantation spans across area of 468 Ha. Geographically Wahana Estate has 250 Ha for coffee plantations, 30 Ha for coffee nursery, 10 Ha for coffee processing facilities (mills), 100 Ha for Natural Reserve and the remaining area for growing vegetables, composting factory, worker facilities, other facilities and guest houses.

They have also implemented CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and established a clinic to serve their workers for free. In addition, they have also established good relationship with small farmers by creating Farmers Support Center which helps farmers by giving information about coffee farms’ management, distributing shade trees, organic fertilizer and coffee seeds to farmers for free.

Wahana Estate currently also buys coffee red-cherries from small farmers groups in surrounding Wahana Estate to support their mills and processing facilities.